My coding journey begins

I signed up for 100 days of Python and even tried to have ChatGPT help me (though I went about it all wrong).  

I just couldn’t get it.  And honestly, I thought I wouldn’t.  I thought that maybe I’m ‘just’ a business person and not a coder.  Maybe I’m just not a techie.  


I recently used a Makeover Monday data set for pizza slices in NY/NJ.  I had some cool ideas as to what I could do, but as I learned with my NFL Attendance Analysis viz (that’s still a WIP), I really just need to time box myself to one night.   With the NFL viz, I was […]

HTDT | Comet Charts

Have you ever looked at a visualization and think, “How’d they do that?” I know I have. ‍ So much like the Tableau podcast I used to co-host, I decided that I would find out, put it in my own words, and share out on my blog so I remember how to create them later […]

It’s okay to use red & green

Around 2017-ish, there was a moment where red and green were a BIG no no…and if you used it, the dataviz police would come with their cop cars to let you know that it was WRONG. I will admit to having my moments of policing…whether I said them in my head or out loud. But […]

Alt-texting charts

I think we know about alt-texting (provide a description alternative) images. But if you don’t, you should alt-text your charts because when a screen reader reads the image, it needs to convey the message of what the image is showing so that you can create a comparable experience. Do you know what Tableau generates for […]